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鄱阳湖湖滨地区广泛分布着晚第四纪风沙沉积序列。在星子县沙岭沙山进行野外调查后选择蓼花剖面开展工作,测试了地质时代和粒度,对粒度结果使用端元分析模型进行研究,探讨该区域末次冰期中晚期的气候变化规律。结果显示:该剖面由湖相-古土壤-沙丘砂等沉积相叠覆堆积组成,形成于末次冰期中晚期(48.8—17.1 ka)。端元分析模型将粒度数据分解出3个不同的粒度端元,不同端元组分在垂向上呈峰谷交替的旋回变化,EM1代表粉砂端元组分,峰值对应湖相和古土壤发育时期;EM2和EM3代表中砂—粗砂端元组分,峰值对应沙丘砂发育期,这些峰谷交替变化的规律指示了末次冰期的季风演变以及气候波动变化,万年尺度上表现为LH10 (48.8—39.9 ka)和LH3~LH5 (28.1—17.1 ka)的冬季风强盛期,分别对应深海氧同位素的MIS3b和MIS2阶段。LH6~LH9 (39.9—28.1 ka)为温暖的夏季风时期,对应深海氧同位素的MIS3a阶段。这些变化与YZ洞石笋氧同位素以及格陵兰冰心有良好的对应,与全球气候变化基本一致。  相似文献   
中国第四纪冰期数值年表初步划分   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
20世纪70年代以前,我国第四纪冰川冰期主要是根据第四纪冰川遗迹的侵蚀-沉积地貌特征和沉积物的物理化学风化程度的差异划分的相对年代;80~90年代开始有放射性碳和地衣法的测年;90年代以后,采用热释光和电子自旋共振技术测年,获得了我国第四纪冰川的一些数值年代,划分了5次冰期,其时代初步定为:小冰期Ⅲ(1871±20A.D.),小冰期Ⅱ(1777±20A.D.),小冰期Ⅰ(1528±20A.D.);新冰期Ⅲ(1550±70aB.P.,1580±60aB.P.),新冰期Ⅱ(2.8~2.5kaB.P.),新冰期Ⅰ(3.1kaB.P.);末次冰期Ⅳ(YD)(11.5~10.4kaB.P.),末次冰期Ⅲ(24~16kaB.P.),末次冰期Ⅱ(56~40kaB.P.),末次冰期Ⅰ(73~72kaB.P.);倒数第二冰期(相当于MIS6~10),Ⅲ阶段(154~136kaB.P.),Ⅱ阶段(277~266kaB.P.),Ⅰ阶段(333~316kaB.P.);倒数第三冰期(相当于MIS12~16),Ⅱ阶段(520~460kaB.P.),Ⅰ阶段(710~593kaB.P.)。未来的研究趋势是采用宇宙成因核素暴露年代方法和光释光技术在更大的空间尺度上对冰川地貌精细定年,分析第四纪冰川发育的空间差异和异时性机制。  相似文献   
考古遗址是研究古代人类活动的重要场所。重建考古遗址三维模型对于历史回溯、古环境恢复和古迹保护等考古工作均具有重要的意义。传统考古发掘过程中普遍采用的手绘图件难以实现考古现场环境的模拟与再现,也不能准确地反映出遗址中文化层与其所包含地物的空间关系。近年来,考古学家引入各类勘察新技术用于考古文化层与遗迹的三维建模,但这些方法无法应用于已完成发掘工作的遗址三维重建。针对这一问题,本文提出一种以考古发掘过程中普遍采用的手绘图件为数据源的考古遗址三维建模方法。该方法以探方为基本建模单元,将考古文化层与遗迹分开建模,利用探方分布图及探方图建立考古文化层三维模型,利用遗迹图建立考古遗迹三维模型,并以三维实体布尔运算方法,将两者无缝整合,构建完整的田野考古遗址三维模型。最后,以湖南澧县八十垱东区为研究区,验证了本文相关研究成果的有效性与实用性。实践证明,该方法能够充分利用传统考古过程中积累的大量资料,有助于将传统考古学在宏观尺度下的定性描述转化为现代"数字考古"中微观尺度的定量描述。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a high‐resolution Late‐glacial chironomid stratigraphy from Hawes Water, a small carbonate lake in northern Lancashire. The samples were from a core taken from the terrestrialised margin of the present lake, which represents an intermediate depth between the true littoral and the profundal. The chironomid assemblage showed a high degree of sensitivity to both broad‐scale and short‐term temperature changes. Comparison with an existing proxy temperature record (δ18O) for the site confirmed the presence of four temperature inversions within the Late‐glacial Interstadial. A mean July air temperature inference model, derived from acid, soft‐water lakes in Norway and Svalbard, was applied to the data. Despite the absence of carbonate lakes within the Norwegian training set, there was a close similarity between trends in estimated July air temperature and the δ18O trace, with a particularly strong correspondence in the periods of clay deposition. This suggests that this model is highly robust. The inferred maximum Interstadial temperature was 13.4°C, dropping initially to 7.5°C in the Loch Lomond Stadial. Temperatures reach a maximum of nearly 10°C in this period, cool for a short period before rising rapidly to 13.2°C at the start of the Holocene. These temperatures are similar to but slightly higher than those estimated for Whitrig Bog, southeast Scotland, and lower than those inferred from coleopteran‐based models for sites in South Wales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
De Geer moraine ridges occur in abundance in the coastal zone of northern Sweden, preferentially in areas with proglacial water depths in excess of 150 m at deglaciation. From detailed sedimentological and structural investigations in machine‐dug trenches across De Geer ridges it is concluded that the moraines formed due to subglacial sediment advection to the ice margin during temporary halts in grounding‐line retreat, forming gradually thickening sediment wedges. The proximal part of the moraines were built up in submarginal position as stacked sequences of deforming bed diamictons, intercalated with glaciofluvial canal‐infill sediments, whereas the distal parts were built up from the grounding line by prograding sediment gravity‐flow deposits, distally interfingering with glaciolacustrine sediments. The rapid grounding‐line retreat (ca. 400 m yr?1) was driven by rapid calving, in turn enhanced by fast iceflow and marginal thinning of ice due to deforming bed conditions. The spatial distribution of the moraine ridges indicates stepwise retreat of the grounding line. It is suggested that this is due to slab and flake calving of the ice cliff above the waterline, forming a gradually widening subaqueous ice ledge which eventually breaks off to a new grounding line, followed by regained sediment delivery and ridge build‐up. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
While contributing <1 m equivalent eustatic sea‐level rise the British Isles ice sheet produced glacio‐isostatic rebound in northern Britain of similar magnitude to eustatic sea‐level change, or global meltwater influx, over the last 18 000 years. The resulting spatially variable relative sea‐level changes combine with observations from far‐field locations to produce a rigorous test for quantitative models of glacial isostatic adjustment, local ice‐sheet history and global meltwater influx. After a review of the attributes of relative sea‐level observations significant for constraining large‐scale models of the isostatic adjustment process we summarise long records of relative sea‐level change from the British Isles and far‐field locations. We give an overview of different global theoretical models of the isostatic adjustment process before presenting intercomparisons of observed and predicted relative sea levels at sites in the British Isles and far‐field for a range of Earth and ice model parameters in order to demonstrate model sensitivity and the resolving power available from using evidence from the British Isles. For the first time we show a good degree of fit between relative sea‐level observations and predictions that are based upon global Earth and ice model parameters, independently derived from analysis of far‐field data, with a terrain‐corrected model of the British Isles ice sheet that includes extensive glaciation of the North Sea and western continental shelf, that does not assume isostatic equilibrium at the Last Glacial Maximum and keeps to trimline constraints of ice surface elevation. We do not attempt to identify a unique solution for the model lithosphere thickness parameter or the local‐scale detail of the ice model in order to provide a fit for all sites, but argue that the next stage should be to incorporate an ice‐sheet model that is based on quantitative, glaciological model simulations. We hope that this paper will stimulate this debate and help to integrate research in glacial geomorphology, glaciology, sea‐level change, Earth rheology and quantitative modelling. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present a simple coupled glacier-sediment model to simulate the evolution of a tidewater glacier. The model is based on a consideration of the total mass budget of a glacier, whereas ice mechanics are fully parameterized. The calving rate at the glacier terminus is assumed to be proportional to the water depth. We show that the formation of a morainic shoal has a profound influence on the response of a tidewater glacier to climatic forcing. For a slow periodic forcing of the equilibrium-line altitude, the model glacier advances steadily into the estuary, builds up a submarine terminal moraine, and then retreats rapidly when a critical point is hit. For a slowly increasing equilibrium-line altitude, at a rate as low as 1 m per 5 years, we find terminus retreat rates of up to 10 km in 50 years. Our model suggests that, although the response of tidewater glaciers to external forcing is strongly nonlinear, the onset of retreat is controlled by climate change.  相似文献   
We used the tropical oceanic planktonic diatom species Nitzschia marina, Rhizosolenia bergonii and Azpeitia africana/Azpeitia neocrenulata, most commonly found in the surface sediments of the northeasternmost South China Sea (SCS) where the Kuroshio Current enters the SCS through the Bashi Strait north of Luzon, to analyse the influence of the the Kuroshio Current on the SCS. The impact of the Kuroshio Current seems to be relatively strong during major warm periods and, to a lesser degree, in minor warm periods during the last 115 000 years. The strongest influence took place during the main part of the Holocene and during the very late phase of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e. It is possible to distinguish two magnitudes of change in the impact of the Kuroshio Current on the SCS: large changes occurred at shifts between glacial and interglacial conditions, while smaller changes seem to have recurred in both glacial and interglacial episodes as well as during the Holocene. Climatic/oceanographic changes and sea‐level variations were possibly the two most important mechanisms for the varying influences of the Kuroshio Current on the SCS. The interaction between the Kuroshio Current and monsoon‐related processes may also have played a role. However, because of restricted knowledge of the present‐day Kuroshio Current and the absence of a modern analogue to the ancient SCS due to the marked changes in palaeogeography, this relationship is difficult to establish. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A detailed vegetation history extending back to the Last Interglacial (Marine Isotope Substage 5e) is presented for Lake Poukawa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. This history is based on palynological analyses of a 198-m core record, age secured by uranium/thorium (U/Th) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates as well as tephrochronology. Vegetation of the penultimate glacial (Isotope Stage 6) probably consisted of a very sparse shrubby herbland of stunted podocarps (Phyllocladus sp.), daisies, grasses and sedges. Similar floras existed in each of the succeeding cool periods. Four interglacial/interstadial floras are preserved. The peak of the Last Interglacial (Substage 5e) was dominated by extensive lowland forest of tall forest podocarps (Podocarpus/Prumnopitys), most probably matai (Prumnopitys taxifolia) with red beech (Nothofagus fusca), secondary forest trees (Coprosma spp., Myrsine spp.) and tree ferns (Cyathea spp.). In the Poukawa basin itself, a swamp forest of the podocarp (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) with the true palm (Rhopalostylis sapida) expanded. Substage 5e was significantly warmer and/or moister than the present day. Substage 5c/5a was marked by montane forest of red and silver beeches (N. fusca and N. menziesii), Phyllocladus spp. and secondary trees. A reduced representation of Podocarpus/Prumnopitys possibly consists of montane podocarp (Podocarpus hallii). We infer the temperature of Substage 5c/5a to have been 3.5–5 °C lower than the present day. Although Stage 3 flora are superficially similar to those of Substage 5c/5a, the beeches are relatively less dominant. The regional flora during Stage 1 is very similar to those of Substage 5e, but the density is lower with no swamp forest during the present interglaciation. This may represent a change in evapotranspiration balance around Poukawa, but may also be controlled by hydrological conditions within the basin.  相似文献   
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